How to Make SafeInt Compatible with Windows Platform SDK Headers

Invasive preprocessor macro definitions strike again.

Last time, I introduced the convenient and easy-to-use SafeInt C++ library.

You might have experimented with it in a simple C++ console application, and noted that everything is fine.

Now, suppose that you want to use SafeInt in some Windows C++ project that directly or indirectly requires the <Windows.h> header.

Well, if you take your previous C++ code that used SafeInt and successfully compiled, and add an #include <Windows.h>, then try to compile it again, you’ll get lots of error messages!

Typically, you would get lots of errors like this:

Error C2589 ‘(‘: illegal token on right side of ‘::’

Error list in Visual Studio, when trying to compile C++ code that uses SafeInt and includes Windows.h.
Error list in Visual Studio, when trying to compile C++ code that uses SafeInt and includes <Windows.h>

If you try and click on one of these errors, Visual Studio will point to the offending line in the “SafeInt.hpp” header, as shown below.

An example of offending line in SafeInt.hpp.
An example of offending line in SafeInt.hpp

In the above example, the error points to this line of code:

if (t != std::numeric_limits<T>::min() )

So, what’s going on here?

Well, the problem is that the Windows Platform SDK defines a couple of preprocessor macros named min and max. These definitions were imported with the inclusion of <Windows.h>.

So, here the C++ compiler is in “crisis mode”, as the above Windows-specific preprocessor macro definitions conflict with the std::numeric_limits::min and max member function calls.

So, how can you fix that?

Well, one option could be to #define the NOMINMAX preprocessor macro before including <Windows.h>:

#define NOMINMAX
#include <Windows.h>

In this way, when <Windows.h> is included, some preprocessor conditional compilation will detect that NOMINMAX is defined, and will skip the definitions of the min and max preprocessor macros. So, the SafeInt code will compile fine.

Preprocessor logic in a Windows SDK header (minwindef.h) for the conditional compilation of the min and max macros.
Preprocessor logic in a Windows SDK header (<minwindef.h>) for the conditional compilation of the min and max macros

So, everything’s fine now, right?

Well, unfortunately not! In fact, if you may happen to include (directly or indirectly) the GDI+ header <gdiplus.h>, you’ll see that you’ll get compilation errors again, this time because some code in GDI+ does require the above Windows definitions of the min and max macros!

So, the previous (pseudo-)fix of #defining NOMINMAX, caused another problem!

Well, if you are working on your own C++ code, you can make your code immune to the above Windows min/max preprocessor macro problem, using an extra pair of parentheses around the std::numeric_limits<T>::min and max member function calls. This additional pair of parentheses will prevent the expansion of the min and max macros.

// Prevent macro expansion with an additional pair of parentheses
// around the std::numeric_limit's min and max member function calls.

However, that is not the case for the code in SafeInt.hpp. To try to make SafeInt.hpp more compatible with C++ code that requires the Windows Platform SDK, I modified the library’s code with the extra pairs of parentheses (added in many places!), and submitted a pull request. I hope the SafeInt library will be fixed ASAP.

Protecting Your C++ Code Against Integer Overflow Made Easy by SafeInt

Let’s discuss a cool open-source C++ library that helps you write nice and clear C++ code, but with safety checks *automatically* added under the hood.

In previous blog posts I discussed the problem of integer overflow and some subtle bugs that can be caused by that (we saw both the signed and the unsigned integer cases).

Now, consider the apparently innocent simple C++ code that sums the integer values stored in a vector:

// Sum the 16-bit signed integers stored in the values vector
int16_t Sum(const std::vector<int16_t>& values)
    int16_t sum = 0;
    for (auto num : values)
        sum += num;
    return sum;

As we saw, that code is subject to bogus integer overflow, and may return a negative number even if all positive integer numbers are added together!

To prevent that kind of bugs, we added a safety check before doing the cumulative sum, throwing an exception in case an integer overflow was detected. Better throwing an exception than returning a bogus result!

The checking code was:

// Check for integer overflow *before* doing the sum
if (num > 0 && sum > std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::max() - num)
    throw std::overflow_error("Overflow in Sum function when adding a positive number.");
else if (num < 0 && sum < std::numeric_limits<int16_t>::min() - num)
    throw std::overflow_error("Overflow in Sum function when adding a negative number.");

// The sum is safe
sum += num;

Of course, writing this kind of complicated check code each time there is a sum operation that could potentially overflow would be excruciatingly cumbersome, and bug prone!

It would be certainly better to write a function that performs this kind of checks, and invoke it before adding two integers. That would be certainly a huge step forward versus repeating the above code each time two integers are added.

But, in C++ we can do even better than that!

In fact, C++ offers the ability to overload operators, such as + and +=. So, we could write a kind of SafeInt class, that wraps a “raw” built-in integer type in safe boundaries, and that overloads various operators like +,+=, and so on, and transparently and automatically checks that the operations are safe, and throws an exception in case of integer overflow, instead of returning a bogus result.

This class could be actually a class template, like a SafeInt<T>, where T could be an integer type, like int, int16_t, uint16_t, and so on.

That is a great idea! But developing that code from scratch would certainly require lots of time and energy, and especially we would spend a lot of time debugging and refining it, considering various corner cases and paying attention to the various overflow conditions, and so on.

Fortunately, you don’t have to do all that work! In fact, there is an open source library that does exactly that! This library is called SafeInt. It was initially created in Microsoft Office in 2003, and is now available as open source on GitHub.

To use the SafeInt C++ library in your code, you just have to #include the SafeInt.hpp header file. Basically, the SafeInt class template behaves like a drop-in replacement for built-in integer types; it does however do all the proper integer overflow checks behind the hood of its overloaded operators.

So, considering our previous Sum function, we can make it safe simply replacing the “raw” int16_t type that holds the sum with a SafeInt<int16_t>:

#include "SafeInt.hpp"    // The SafeInt C++ library

// Sum the 16-bit integers stored in the values vector
int16_t Sum(const std::vector<int16_t>& values)
    // Use SafeInt to check against integer overflow
    SafeInt<int16_t> sum; // = 0; <-- automatically init to 0

    for (auto num : values)
        sum += num; // <-- *automatically* checked against integer overflow!!

    return sum;

Note how the code is basically the same clear and simple code we initially wrote! But, this time, the cumulative sum operation “sum += num” is automatically checked against integer overflow by the SafeInt’s implementation of the overloaded operator +=. The great thing is that all the checks are done automatically and under the hood by the SafeInt’s overloaded operators! You don’t have to spend time and energy writing potential bug-prone check code. It’s all done automatically and transparently. And the code looks very clear and simple, without additional “pollution” of if-else checks and throwing exceptions. This kind of (necessary) complexity is well embedded and hidden under the SafeInt’s implementation.

SafeInt by default signals errors, like integer overflow, throwing an exception of type SafeIntException, with the m_code data member set to a SafeIntError enum value that indicates the reason for the exception, like SafeIntArithmeticOverflow in case of integer overflow. The following code shows how you can capture the exception thrown by SafeInt in the above Sum function:

std::vector<int16_t> v{ 10, 1000, 2000, 0, 32000 };

    cout << Sum(v) << '\n';
catch (const SafeIntException& ex)
    if (ex.m_code == SafeIntArithmeticOverflow)
        cout << "SafeInt integer overflow exception correctly caught!\n";

Note that also other kinds of errors are checked by SafeInt, like attempts to divide by zero.

Moreover, the default SafeInt exception handler can be customized, for example to throw another exception class, like std::runtime_error, or a custom exception, instead of the default SafeIntException.

So, thanks to SafeInt it’s really easy to protect your C++ code against integer overflow (and divisions by zero) and associated subtle bugs! Just replace “raw” built-in integer types with the corresponding SafeInt<T> wrapper, and you are good to go! The code will still look nice and simple, but safety checks will happen automatically under the hood. Thank you very much SafeInt and C++ operator overloading!