How to Print Unicode Text to the Windows Console in C++

How can you print Unicode text to the Windows console in your C++ programs? Let’s discuss both the UTF-16 and UTF-8 encoding cases.

Suppose that you want to print out some Unicode text to the Windows console. From a simple C++ console application created in Visual Studio, you may try this line of code inside main:

std::wcout << L"Japan written in Japanese: \x65e5\x672c (Nihon)\n";

The idea is to print the following text:

Japan written in Japanese: 日本 (Nihon)

The Unicode UTF-16 encoding of the first Japanese kanji is 0x65E5; the second kanji is encoded in UTF-16 as 0x672C. These are embedded in the C++ string literal sent to std::wcout using the escape sequences \x65e5 and \x672c respectively.

If you try to execute the above code, you get the following output:

The Japanese kanjis are not printed out in the Windows console in this case.
Wrong output: the Japanese kanjis are missing!

As you can see, the Japanese kanjis are not printed. Moreover, even the “standard ASCII” characters following those (i.e.: “(Nihon)”) are missing. There’s clearly a bug in the above code.

How can you fix that?

Well, the missing piece is setting the proper translation mode for stdout to Unicode UTF-16, using _setmode and the _O_U16TEXT mode parameter.

// Change stdout to Unicode UTF-16
_setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_U16TEXT);

Now the output is what you expect:

The correct output, including the Japanese kanjis.
The correct output of Unicode UTF-16 text.

The complete compilable C++ code follows:

// Printing Unicode UTF-16 text to the Windows console

#include <fcntl.h>      // for _setmode
#include <io.h>         // for _setmode
#include <stdio.h>      // for _fileno

#include <iostream>     // for std::wcout

int main()
    // Change stdout to Unicode UTF-16
    _setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_U16TEXT);

    // Print some Unicode text encoded in UTF-16
    std::wcout << L"Japan written in Japanese: \x65e5\x672c (Nihon)\n";

(The above code was compiled with VS 2019 and executed in the Windows 10 command prompt.)

Note that the font you use in the Windows console must support the characters you want to print; in this example, I used the MS Gothic font to show the Japanese kanjis.

The Unicode UTF-8 Case

What about printing text using Unicode UTF-8 instead of UTF-16 (especially with all the suggestions about using “UTF-8 everywhere“)?

Well, you may try to invoke _setmode and this time pass the UTF-8 mode flag _O_U8TEXT (instead of the previous _O_U16TEXT), like this:

// Change stdout to Unicode UTF-8
_setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_U8TEXT);

And then send the UTF-8 encoded text via std::cout:

// Print some Unicode text encoded in UTF-8
std::cout << "Japan written in Japanese: \xE6\x97\xA5\xE6\x9C\xAC (Nihon)\n";

If you build and run that code, you get… an assertion failure!

Visual C++ debug assertion failure when trying to print out Unicode UTF-8 encoded text.
Visual C++ assertion failure when trying to print Unicode UTF-8-encoded text.

So, it seems that this (logical) scenario is not supported, at least with VS2019 and Windows 10.

How can you solve this problem? Well, an option is to take the Unicode UTF-8 encoded text, convert it to UTF-16 (for example using this code), and then use the method discussed above to print out the UTF-16 encoded text.

EDIT 2023-11-28: Compilable C++ demo code uploaded to GitHub.

Screenshot showing that both the Unicode UTF-16 and UTF-8 text are correctly printed in the Windows console.
Unicode UTF-16 and UTF-8 correctly printed out in the Windows console.