How to Use ATL/MFC CString at the Windows API Boundaries

Let’s discuss how CString C++ objects can be used at the boundaries of C-interface Windows APIs, considering both the input and output string cases.

We have two cases to consider: Let’s start with the input read-only string case (which is the easiest one).

The Input String Case

If you have a CString instance and you want to pass it to a Windows API function that expects an input read-only string, you can simply pass the CString instance itself! It’s as simple as this:

// *** Input string case ***

// Some string to pass as input parameter
CString myString = TEXT("Connie"); 

// Just pass the CString object to the Windows API function
// that expects an input string, like e.g. SetWindowText

If you compile your C++ code in Unicode (UTF-16) build mode (which has been the default since Visual Studio 2005): CString is a wchar_t-based string, and the input string parameter of the Windows API function that follows the TCHAR model is typically a PCWSTR, which is basically a null-terminated const wchar_t* C-style string pointer. In this case CString offers an implicit conversion operator to PCWSTR, so you can simply pass the CString object, and the C++ compiler will automatically invoke the PCWSTR conversion operator to pass the given string as read-only string input parameter.

The Output String Case

Now let’s consider the output case, i.e. you are invoking a Windows API function that expects an output string parameter. Usually, in C-interface Windows API functions this is represented by a non-const pointer to a raw C-style character array, in particular a wchar_t* (or PWSTR) in the Unicode UTF-16 form.

You (i.e. the caller) pass a non-const pointer to a writable wchar_t buffer, and the Windows API function will fill this caller-provided buffer with proper characters, including a terminating NUL. This is all C stuff, but at the end of the process what you really want is the result string to be stored in a C++ CString object. So, how can you bridge these two worlds of C-style null-terminated string pointers and C++ CString class instances?

Option 1: Using an Intermediate Buffer

Well, one option would be to allocate an intermediary character buffer, then let the Windows API function fill it with its own result text, and finally create a CString object initialized with the content of that external intermediary buffer. For example:

// The Output String Case -- Using a Temporary Buffer

// 1. Allocate a temporary buffer to pass to the Windows API function
auto buffer = std::make_unique< wchar_t[] >(bufferLength);

// 2. Call the Windows API function, passing the address of the temporary buffer.
// The Windows API function will write its string into that buffer,
// including a NUL terminator, as per usual C string convention.
    buffer.get(), // <-- starting address of the output buffer
    bufferLength, // <-- size of the buffer (e.g. in wchar_t's)
    /* ... other parameters ... */

// 3. Create a CString object initialized with the NUL-terminated
// string stored in the temporary buffer previously allocated
CString result(buffer.get());

// NOTE: Since the temporary buffer was created with make_unique,
// it will be *automatically* released.
// Thank you C++ destructors!

Option 2: Working In-place with the CString’s Own Buffer

In addition to that, instead of creating an external temporary buffer, passing its address to the Windows API function to let it write the output string, and then copying the result string into a CString object, CString offers another option.

In fact, you can request CString objects to allocate some internal memory, and get write access to that. In this way, you can directly pass the address of that CString’s own internal memory to the desired Windows API function, and let it write the result string directly inside the CString’s internal buffer, without the need of creating an external intermediary buffer, and making an additional string copy (from the temporary buffer to the CString object).

The method that CString offers to allocate an internal character buffer is GetBuffer. You can specify to it the minimum required buffer length. On success, this method returns a non-const pointer to the beginning of the buffer memory, which you can pass to the Windows API function expecting an output string parameter.

Then, after the called function has written its result string into the provided buffer (including the NUL-terminator), you can invoke the CString::ReleaseBuffer method to let the CString object update its internal state to properly store the NUL-terminated string previously written in its own buffer.

In C++ code, this process looks like that:

// The Output String Case -- Using CString's Internal Buffer

// This CString object will store the output result string
CString result;

// Allocate a CString buffer of proper size, 
// and return a _non-const_ pointer to it
wchar_t* pBuffer = result.GetBuffer(bufferLength);

// Pass the pointer to the internal CString buffer
// and the buffer length to the Windows API function
// expecting an output string parameter
    pBuffer,      // <-- starting address of the buffer
    bufferLength, // <-- size of the buffer (e.g. in wchar_t's)
    /* ... other parameters ... */

// We assume that the Windows API function has written
// a properly NUL-terminated string into the provided buffer.
// So we can invoke CString::ReleaseBuffer to update
// the CString object's internal state, 
// and release control of the buffer.

// It's good practice to clear the buffer pointer to avoid subtle bugs
// caused by referencing it after the ReleaseBuffer call
pBuffer = nullptr;

// Now you can happily use the CString result object in your code!

As you can note, in this second case, working in-place with the CString’s internal buffer, the output string characters are written only once inside the CString object, instead of being first written to an external intermediate buffer, and then being copied inside the result CString object.

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